Key Highlights – July to End of September

1. Two new members welcome to NeoImmuneTech’s Scientific Advisory Board.

2. Three clinical trials discontinued to strengthen focus on development priorities.

3. NeoImmuneTech preparing for Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) annual meeting, to be held in San Diego, November 1-5, 2023.


In the third quarter 2023, NeoImmuneTech introduced new changes to its Scientific Advisory Board and to its portfolio of clinical projects to further support the full potential and progress of NT-I7’s development.


On July 17, NIT announced the suspension of three clinical trials, NIT-104, NIT-106, and NIT-109. NIT-104, a clinical trial conducted on glioblastoma patients, had achieved its scientific goal, and demonstrated the proof of concept of T cell and immune activation. It is now followed-up by NT-107 that focuses on newly diagnosed glioblastoma. The discontinuation of NIT-106 and NIT-109 were motivated by the recent changes of the treatment landscape in high-risk skin cancers and in gastric cancers, creating less favorable conditions for our clinical trials. These suspensions enable to focus on developing NT-I7 in ARS, as well as advancing ongoing clinical trials for pancreatic cancer, glioblastoma, and colorectal cancer, which are actively underway.


On July 27, NeoImmuneTech announced the addition of two distinguished members to its Scientific Advisory Board: Dr. Benny J. Chen, M.D., Professor of Medicine at the Duke University School of Medicine and Dr. Su-Hyung Park, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). These additions aim to ensure the company benefits from focused advice from top experts in the areas that reflect the evolving scientific needs of NT-I7 development program.


Meanwhile, NT-I7’s development program continues at full speed.

On September 27, NIT announced it will present two posters at the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) annual meeting, to be held in San Diego, November 1-5, 2023.



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