Discontinuance NIT-116 Clinical trial for COVID-19 patients


We wish to inform you of our final decision to discontinue NIT-116, a clinical trial conducted in the United States for COVID-19 patients. Given the current state of vaccine development and distribution in the United States, as well as the mildness of most COVID-19 symptoms, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between COVID-19 and other common illnesses such as influenza. As a result, patient enrollment for this clinical trial, which was intended for those with mild COVID-19 symptoms, has significantly decreased. After careful consideration, we have decided to voluntarily discontinue this clinical trial due to the low business value for investment as a result of these changes in the COVID-19 treatment environment.


We are pleased to report that other major clinical trials for the treatment of colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, glioblastoma, blood cancers, and acute radiation syndrome (ARS) are proceeding smoothly. As developments continue to progress, we plan to share updates with investors in a timely manner. Moving forward, we remain committed to ongoing clinical development efforts and transparent communication with the market. Our ultimate goal is to continue to develop NT-I7 as a new treatment option for patients facing difficult treatment challenges.


We sincerely appreciate and look forward to your continued unwavering interest and support.
